Thursday, September 24, 2009

we "mean" Business - Emergence of Social Entreprenurs in the 21st Century- A conference on Social Entrepreneurship_1st Oct 2009

Date: 1st October 2009
Time: 2:30 pm to 5: pm
LIBA Auditorium
Loyola College
Chennai – 600 034

In a world that revolves only around profits, there is a lot of scope for a positive social change through which profits can be reaped, which not many have understood. But there are some bright minds, called Social Entrepreneurs emerging with a vision complimented by strong mission and shedding their energy for a positive social change. It is the time to promote such social causes and this conference aims bringing out more such Social Entrepreneurs.
1. Welcome Address – 2:30 – 2:35 pm
2. Introduction of Theme – Fr. Joe Arun SJ – 2:35 pm to 2:50 pm
3. Edu – Care Development - Mr. Sriram Ayer, Nalanda Way – 2: 50 pm to 3:25 pm
4. Empowering Entrepreneurship – Mr. Ilango Rangaswamy, TVSG – 3: 26 pm – 3: 30 pm
5. Rehabilitating Social Change –Dr. Thara Srinivasan, SCARF –3: 50 pm to 4:15 pm *
6. Question & Answer session – 4:20 pm to 4:40 pm
7. Vote of Thanks – 4:40 pm to 4:45 pm
*Awaited Confirmation

Event Organizers
LIBA Radius in association with LIBA Entrepreneurship Cell
Note: The Speakers are to be confirmed!!

Planting saplings in the campus_30th Sep 2009

Right spots are identified in LIBA and appropriate saplings are planted in the campus!!

Eye Donation & Clothes Collection_ 29th Sep 2009

LIBA people will pledge to donate eyes.
Clothes will be collected from LIBA and will be given to Goonj.

Beautification of Neighbourhood_28th Sep 2009

As a part of JOG celebrations, LIBA Radius is organising a campus beautification event. The event includes collecting garbages and separating them into Organic and Inorganic wates and coordinating with Exnora to dispose the garbage.
This event will be continued even after JOG!

JOG Inaguration_27th Sep 2009

The wait is finally over. The Joy of Giving week is here!! We join hands with thousands across our country to mark its beginning this Sunday: 27th of Sept, with an inaugural function in 302 at 9:30 am. Please be there to be a part of this memorable day.

JOG Clebrations @ LIBA

LIBA (Loyola Institute of Business Administration) is thrilled to celebrate the Joy of Giving week.
LIBA Radius, the social initiative of the institute organising the event in LIBA along with Give India.
The Events planned are as follows
Date Day Event
27.9.09 Sunday JOG Inauguration
Orphanage visit
28.9.09 Monday Beautification of Neighbourhood
29.9.09 Tuesday Eye Donation
Clothes collection
30.9.09 Wednesday Planting saplings in the campus
1.10.09 Thursday Conference on Social entrepreneurship
Valedictory function

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Message from the mentor

The students of LIBA have started giving................................................their blood!

The Constitution of India in its preamble has the following declaration:
We, the people of INDIA, having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a SOVEREIGN SECULAR DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC and to secure to all its citizens:
JUSTICE, social, economic and political;
LIBERTY, of thought, expression, belief;
EQUALITY of status and of opportunity;
And to promote among them all FRATERNITY assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of the NATION;
Three score and two years have gone into history since the British left India. Before 1947, we could accuse them as the exploiters and hold them responsible for the then conditions which prevailed in the country.
True, when we look around, we are surprised by our phenomenal achievements in Agriculture, Industry, Trade, Transport communications, Science and Technology and other areas. Our progress is amazing! Our achievements are phenomenal!
Every third Indian cannot read. Every sixth Indian has to fight the caste system to become a touchable. Majority of our rural women, about ninety percent of the dalit women cannot read and write. Every fourth Indian does not get even adequate food. Every second child suffers from malnutrition and hunger.
Economic equality and economic democracy are still far away. Social freedom and social democracy remain only as dreams to be realised. Every third Indian is earning below a dollar per day. About seventy five percent of Indians are still getting less than two dollars a day.
The national income is more than one trillion dollars. The growth rate has been incredible.
What are the reasons for our failure to realise the dreams of Mahatma and his team?
There has been growth of course without equity and justice!
This has to be changed.
The governance should become more transparent, efficient and accountable at all levels.
The haves should share whatever they have beyond their requirements.
The people and the institutions should give more and more to the marginalised.
The students of LIBA have started giving. They have started giving their blood! They want to give more in terms of knowledge, money, efforts and love.
They are visiting the remote villages and also the slums in the city. They are trying to clean and green the campus. They are trying to organise evening classes for the poor children in the slums. They are extending their arms to help the poor. A few small steps, but a leap forward!
They are adding one more feather to the glory of LIBA.
I am sure that the students have made a beginning in transforming the social order. Such efforts, collectively, will deliver justice- social, economic, political and cultural, in such manner that the people secure what was promised to them by the noble preamble to our constitution.

-Dr. M Victor Louis Anthuvan, Professor,LIBA; Mentor,LIBA Radius

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


This group focuses on enhancing the education of unprivileged children. The present plan is to adopt an institution of primary & secondary education where, we will carry out our activities on a weekly basis. The institution we have chosen is 'Devikarumari Amman Destitute Home', Anna Salai, Chennai. This home has under its wings around 80 destitute children, who are mainly children of gypsy construction workers. They have a school attached where the children are educated. The School is Government aided which means that the government pays for the salary of the staff while the South Indian Scheduled Tribes Welfare Association, that runs the home, pays for everything else. So, we plan on making fund raising for the children part of our agenda.

The first visit was on August 8th, 2009. A group of 15 Radius members spent around 2 hours with the children. As it was our first visit, the focus was on building a good relationship with the children. We did this by way of ice breaking session, Drawing competition and screening a movie. Prizes were distributed for the winners of the drawing competition and chocolates given to all the children. We also played with the children and took plenty of photos with them, which made them happy. What we noticed was that the children were extremely well behaved and receptive. All in all, the first visit inspired and encouraged us to work further for the children.

The second visit was on August 29th 2009. Due to various constraints, a smaller group of 5 Radius members could only be gathered for the visit which lasted for a duration of 1 ½ hours. The primary focus of this visit was to know the individual goals of the children and also promote general awareness among the children about the great leaders of our country. A game was also conducted to avoid boredom.

In the month of September, we plan to implement a proper system to make the school visits regular and hence, productive.

Herbert Hoover said, “Children are our most valuable natural resource”. We hope to take small yet sustainable steps towards tapping into this resource and making a long lasting impact on their lives.

-Silpa Paul and Mellwyn Joseph, Off campus and On campus Activities, LIBA Radius

Accounts Details of Radius for Month of August, 2009